Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing

CO2 resurfacing treatment / CO2 lasers

At Just Aesthetic Nursing, our specialists excel in Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing, delivering rejuvenation for a naturally youthful appearance. With the cutting-edge technology of Cool Peel®, our treatments invigorate and revitalize your skin. Experience enduring, radiant, and beautifully hydrated skin through our expert care and maintenance.

Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing Allentown, PA

Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing

Discover the power of Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing, a treatment designed to refresh and reshape your facial contours. Our experienced professionals carefully assess each area of concern, aiming for facial harmony. Recognizing that not every product fits every facial region or individual, we customize the perfect product combination to target your unique aesthetic desires, leaving you with a revitalized and balanced complexion.

Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing FAQ's

What is Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing?

What is Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing?

Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing is a non-invasive skincare treatment that utilizes carbon dioxide (CO2) to refresh and rejuvenate the skin's appearance. It's designed to address various skin concerns, such as wrinkles, fine lines, uneven texture, and more.

How does Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing work?

How does Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing work?

The treatment utilizes a multi-step process that involves cleansing and exfoliating the skin, extracting impurities, and delivering hydrating serums and antioxidants to nourish and rejuvenate the skin.

What can Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing treat?

What can Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing treat?

Yes, Skinwave® HydraFacial is suitable for all skin types and tones. It can be customized to address specific skin concerns, making it a versatile option for many individuals.

Is Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing safe for all skin types?

Is Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing safe for all skin types?

Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing is generally safe for most skin types. However, it's essential to consult with a qualified skincare professional to determine if the treatment is suitable for your specific skin needs.

How many Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing sessions are typically required?

How many Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing sessions are typically required?

The number of sessions needed can vary depending on individual goals and skin conditions. Many individuals see noticeable improvements after a single session, but a series of treatments may be recommended for more significant results.

Is there any downtime after Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing?

Is there any downtime after Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing?

There is minimal downtime associated with Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing. Some redness and mild peeling may occur, but these side effects typically resolve within a few days. It's essential to follow post-treatment care instructions provided by your skincare professional.

How long does a Skinwave® HydraFacial session take?

How long does a Skinwave® HydraFacial session take?

There is typically no downtime after a Skinwave® HydraFacial treatment. You can resume your regular activities immediately after the session.

Are the results of Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing long-lasting?

Are the results of Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing long-lasting?

The results of Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing can be long-lasting, but maintenance treatments may be recommended to sustain the improvements. Individual results may vary based on skincare habits and lifestyle factors.

Is Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing painful?

Is Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing painful?

Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing is generally well-tolerated by most individuals and is not typically described as painful. However, some may experience mild discomfort during the treatment, which can be managed with topical anesthesia.

Can Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing be combined with other skincare treatments?

Can Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing be combined with other skincare treatments?

Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing can often be combined with other skincare treatments or procedures to enhance results. Discuss your goals and options with your skincare professional to determine the best treatment plan for you.

Is Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing suitable for me?

Is Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing suitable for me?

To determine if Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing is suitable for your specific skin concerns and needs, it's essential to schedule a consultation with a qualified skincare professional who can assess your condition and provide personalized recommendations.

Uncertain if Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing is for You?

No need to worry. Our skilled team is here to assist you in selecting the ideal Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing option that aligns with your desired appearance. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions or to book an appointment and start your rejuvenation journey today!

Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing Post-Treatment Care Guidelines

Following your Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing session, it's crucial to follow specific post-treatment guidelines to ensure optimal results and minimize potential side effects. Here are some general recommendations for after your Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing treatment:

1. Protect Your Skin

  • After the Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing treatment, your skin may be more sensitive to sunlight. Avoid direct sun exposure and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to shield your skin from harmful UV rays.

2. Gentle Cleansing

  • Use a mild, non-abrasive cleanser to wash your face for the first few days following the procedure. Avoid hot water and harsh skincare products that could irritate your skin.

3. Stay Hydrated

  • Keeping your skin well-hydrated is essential for optimal healing. Use a gentle, hydrating moisturizer to maintain skin moisture.

4. Avoid Scrubbing or Exfoliating

  • Do not use abrasive scrubs or exfoliating products for at least one week after Cool Peel® CO2 Resurfacing. These products can be harsh on your healing skin.

5. Skip the Makeup

  • Refrain from applying makeup to treated areas for a few days following the treatment to prevent potential irritation or contamination.

6. Protect Skin Barrier

  • Be gentle with your skin and avoid any activities that may damage your skin barrier, such as vigorous rubbing or picking.

5. Limit Physical Activity

  • For the first few days post-treatment, consider reducing strenuous exercise or activities that could cause excessive sweating, as this may irritate your skin.

6. Be Sun Smart

  • Even after the initial healing period, continue to protect your skin from the sun by wearing protective clothing and applying sunscreen when outdoors.

Results Speak For Themselves

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Just Aesthetic Nursing, founded by Jan Costa BSN, RN, is a premier Lehigh Valley medspa dedicated to offering cutting-edge anti-aging and cosmetic solutions, tailored to enhance and elevate your innate beauty.